I mean small. Not only is this town small, but it is remote. The nearest Wal-Mart is nearly two hundred miles away. There's not even a Taco Bell within 200 miles. Sigh. Yet, I get this beauty. What a trade off!
The transition was smooth. Special thanks to my mom and and my mother-in-law. They kept my children while I moved our belongings, found a home and got settled into the new job. This might sound menial, or easy - but I assure you - it was far from. My children are a full time job. There are five of them.
The oldest, Gwen, is thirteen. She loves horses and swimming and is definitely going through all of the typical adolescent girl growing pains. Not that she gets into "trouble," per se, but she is experiencing trouble with every aspect of life. Oh, middle school.
My oldest son, Preston, is ten. He's a tender kiddo. But wow, he's so much help. He'll do nearly anything that one asks of him. It's truly a blessing, having such an agreeable child among all of the chaos.
My middle child, Gabriel, is eight. Gabriel is a prankster, a clown, a joker, an energizer bunny. He has two speeds: on and off. Beyond all of that energy is a brilliant mind. This child was doing multiplication in first grade! I worry about him so much though -- boredom is so dangerous.
My youngest daughter, Koryn (pronounced Cor - in), is a Daisy Duke incarnate. She is a princess with beauty and accessories throughout, but has no fear of dirt, work and slime. She has started to test boundaries in our home.
My youngest child, Tyler, is truly a blessing. He has the privilege of being the youngest, the last and the rainbow. He snuggles, laughs, plays and amazes me every single day.
Only the youngest, Tyler, traveled with my husband and me to our new home. The others stayed back with their grandmas and finished the school year. At the close of the school year, grandmas convinced me to let them do summer camp, and then they wanted a few more weeks and a couple more weeks... They finally all came home in early August.
Because we live in such a small town, so far from everything, we try to keep our children engaged in fun and healthy activities. All four of the older children play soccer in a local intramural league. Their skills and hard work amaze me on a regular basis.
And while the children and the husband and the job keep me busy, I still find that I need to have my time. Time where I can have quiet. Time where I can be intellectual. Time where I can be creative. Time where I can feel like I'm making a difference. Time where I can be myself. Time where I can find myself.
Yet, with all of those different ways of having "me" time, I find that I have never really focused on one, regular hobby. And then I realize that my hobby is being a mom, and a wife and a good, gentle person. This blog will cover a variety of topics - ranging from hobbies, to home decor, to parenting, to puppy potty training!! Check in often - and I'll keep you up to date on what works in our world! And remember, life is a work in progress!
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